On July 16, 2008, a terrified woman named Lerina García Gordo posted a comment in an online forum asking for help. The 41-year-old Spaniard claimed to have awakened in a parallel universe. A world that is not like the one she had left before going to sleep. However, small inconsistencies in various aspects of her life began to convince her that she was, in fact, living in an alternative reality.
This is his story. On the morning of July 16, Lerina woke up to discover that her sheets were another color. I was confused and disturbed by the fact that they were from a completely different set. It was not just the colors that were different. Unable to find a rational explanation, Lerina decided to prepare herself and go to her office work. A job that she had been employed for the last 20 years.
His car was in the same place where She had left it the night before. She entered and drove off, following the same path She had become accustomed to since she moved to his apartment seven years ago. Apart from the sheets, everything else seemed normal for Lerina. That is until she arrived at his office. Inside the office building there were a few strange people She had not met before, but She did not raise any suspicion. Lerina walked to her own office only to discover that there was a label with a different name on the door of her office. It was not his name.
Then she thought that maybe she was on the wrong floor of the building, but a quick observation revealed that she was on the right floor. She had gone to the right office, it was just that her name had been replaced.
Lerina was confused. She wondered if She had been fired and because no one had told her. She took out his PC and connected to the company’s wireless network. There She discovered that She was still on the company’s list, however, She showed that She was under the command of a different manager, in a totally different department. His head was in a spiral.
She immediately checked his credit cards, his driver’s license and his work identification. They all reflected the correct information as far as she knew. The same name, the same photo, the same numbers and the same address. Not knowing what to think, She called his work and told her that She was taking a sick day. The inconsistencies that morning made her think that something was wrong medically with her.
She took the rest of the day off and went directly to the doctor’s office. There She was tested, looking for signs of any illicit drug in his system. The tests were negative. She had no alcohol or drugs in his system.
Lerina returned home and began to check her personal files. Bank statements, personal checks, invoices, reviewed twice. All showed the correct information. So a thought came to his head. What if this is amnesia? “What if something happens to me and I can not remember parts of my life?”
She immediately connected online and began to explore the Internet. She saw that the news and the main reports were the same as the previous night, so there was no lack of days. As far as Lerina knew, she had woken up living a slightly different life.
It had been six months since Lerina had left her boyfriend, with whom she had spent seven years. She had recently started dating a man (Agustin) who lived in the next street. They had been dating for only four months, but she knew her well enough. When she called her new boyfriend’s number, someone else answered. They told Lerina that there was no one with the name of Agustín, or that it coincided with his description living in that house.
The news surprised her because she had spent the last four months meeting the guy. She had even met his son and had begun to establish a relationship with her. But now, there were no signs of her boyfriend and her son. As the day progressed, she found more and more inconsistencies. I had no choice but to go to work the next day and pretend I was employed.
Still, Lerina called and called, but no one had heard of Augustine or his son. It was as if they had never existed. That’s when she found out that she had never left her ex-boyfriend. They had been together for seven years and there was no sign that they had separated.
Lerina did not know what to think. What had happened to the life she knew? What had happened to his career? Had She hallucinated everything?
The only thing She thought was that maybe She had a nervous breakdown at some point. Severe enough to implant false memories in her head, or at least that’s what she thought when she visited a psychiatric clinic. However, the tests concluded that she was healthy body and healthy mind.
The doctors told her that maybe She was under a lot of stress and that She could have hallucinated everything. An explanation She had thought of, but She knew it was not true. She went looking for his boyfriend Agustín, but returned empty-handed. A hired investigator concluded that there were no signs of Agustín or his son in that city.
Her own family thought that Lerina was going crazy when she asked about the operation of her younger sister’s shoulder. They looked at her with confusion as Lerina insisted that her sister had recently undergone surgery on her shoulder. A statement that nobody in his family could support. As far as his family knew, no surgery had been done on any member of the family.
Days, weeks and months passed while Lerina began to discover small but disconcerting differences in her life. The clothes in his drawers and cabinets that She did not remember buying, blog entries She had made for weeks, even days before, were gone. The emails and the chats were no longer archived on your computer. However, browsing the news sites and blogs, the world seemed to be the same. Just as She had remembered before going to bed that July night.
As the months passed and she could not find answers, Lerina was convinced that she had simply gone to bed one night and woke up in a parallel universe. A world in which his life had been altered by small decisions of his past.
What happened to Lerina García Gordo? Did you suffer from a medical condition that made you believe that you lived in an alternative world? Or did She really wake up in a different universe?